Whole Film Synopsis
14 year old, Zamir Muhammed Khan (ZK) has grown up in a Islamic family, and has just the one older brother, Sundip Muhammed Khan (SK). The story is shown from ZK point of view. The two brothers are running away from what seems to be the police at the start. After this initial scene we cut back to 6 weeks prior to that event. ZK is at the mosque, for a Sunday class with his brother. However, there is a change of teacher within this class and he is teaching them 'new' interpretations of the Qua'ran. As his brother becomes more and more influenced by the extremist views of this teacher, ZK decides to go against it and follow what his mother has taught him. The story is that of ZK trying to stop his brother from becoming brainwashed into these extremist views and trying to stop his deadly actions. We end with the beginning scene but with a understanding of what is going on.